Information Governance

Index and Search In-Place Workflows Are Essential for Information Governance

By John Patzakis and Charles Meier Accurate pre-collection data insight is a game-changing capability that enables organizations and their legal teams to determine the scope, volume, and content of electronic …

X1 Enterprise Collect Now Supports MS Teams

X1 Delivers Cutting-Edge MS Teams Support

The prominence of Microsoft 365 data sources continue to grow in eDiscovery matters exponentially. However, most non-MS eDiscovery tools collect from MS 365 by simply making bulk copies of data …

Significant Microsoft 365 eDiscovery Challenges Require a New Approach

The adoption of cloud-based Microsoft 365 (“MS 365”) by enterprises continues to grow exponentially, with the company recently reporting 300 million monthly active users, and the addition of over 100 petabytes of …

Flawed Collection Methods Prevent TAR and Other Applications of Analytics on Social Media Evidence

Every litigator and eDiscovery practitioner is aware of the critical importance of analytics as a tool to support their cases. AI-driven analytics supercharges compliance investigations, data security, privacy audits, and …

5 Reasons Why Native Format Collection is Essential for Social Media Evidence

As succinctly noted by The Florida Bar Association in its publication, Florida Law Journal: “Social media is everywhere. Nearly everyone uses it. Litigants who understand social media — and its benefits …

A New Framework for Defining and Approaching Information Governance

By Michael Rasmussen   Editor’s note: Today we are featuring a guest blog post from Michael Rasmussen, the GRC Pundit & Analyst at GRC 20/20 Research, LLC. Information governance has …

Compelling Case Study for Remote eDiscovery Collection in a High-Stakes Litigation

While our personal and business lives will hopefully return to normal soon, the trend of an increasingly remote and distributed workforce is here to stay. This “new normal” necessitates updated …

CCPA and GDPR UPDATE: Unstructured Enterprise Data in Scope of Compliance Requirements

An earlier version of this article appeared on Legaltech News   A core requirement of both the GDPR and the similar California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which becomes enforceable on …

CaCPA Compliance Requires Effective Investigation and eDiscovery Capabilities

The California Consumer Protection Act, (CaCPA ), which will be in full force on January 1, 2020,  promises to profoundly impact major US and global organizations, requiring the overhaul of …

Incident Reporting Requirements Under GDPR and CCPA Require Effective Incident Response

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in effect, but many organizations have not fully implemented compliance programs. For many organizations, one of the top challenges is complying …

USDOJ Expects Companies to Proactively Employ Data Analytics to Detect Fraud

By John Patzakis and Craig Carpenter In corporate fraud enforcement actions, The US Department of Justice considers the effectiveness of a company’s compliance program as a key factor when deciding whether …

Want Legal to Add A LOT More Value? Stop Over-Collecting Data

The 2019 CLOC (Corporate Legal Operations Consortium) Conference ended last week, and by all accounts it was another great event for an organization that continues to gain relevance and momentum.  …

GDPR Fines Issued for Failure to Essentially Perform Enterprise eDiscovery

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into full force in May 2018. Prior to that date, what I consistently heard from most of the compliance community was general …

Why I Joined X1

Two weeks ago I joined X1 as CEO, a company I am convinced is in the process of disrupting not just the eDiscovery industry, but the regulatory compliance and corporate …

Data Discovery “Is the Foundation of GDPR Compliance”

Recently, I attended a very informative Microsoft GDPR Summit in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft invited their key compliance partners to brief them on Microsoft’s strong support for GDPR compliance within their …

GDPR Compliance Requires Effective Enterprise eDiscovery Search and Analysis Capabilities

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will be in full force in May 2018, promises to profoundly impact global organizations, requiring the overhaul of their data audit and …