The Reddit Evidence Hotbed: Three Important Tips for Reddit Web Investigations

By John Patzakis and Ashley Aranega   Over the past two weeks, stock traders fueled by Reddit message boards have engaged in a classic short squeeze that could involve potentially …

Architecting a New Paradigm in Legal Governance

By Michael Rasmussen   Editor’s note: Today we are featuring a guest blog post from Michael Rasmussen, the GRC Pundit & Analyst at GRC 20/20 Research, LLC. Exponential growth and …

eDiscovery Collection of Large File Shares: An Unaddressed Major Pain Point

  One of the major unaddressed challenges for eDiscovery and other digital investigations involves very large file servers that host shared documents. The data volumes for these file shares is …

Operationalizing GRC in Context of Legal & Privacy: The Last Mile of GRC

By Michael Rasmussen   Editor’s note: Today we are featuring a guest blog post from Michael Rasmussen, the GRC Pundit & Analyst at GRC 20/20 Research, LLC. At its core, …

Traditional eDiscovery Processing is Now Obsolete

  eDiscovery can be a very expensive process and time consuming when traditional methods are employed. With legacy processes, from the time ESI collection starts, it often takes weeks for …

Relativity Highlights Its X1 Integration for ESI Collection

  Recently, Relativity hosted a live webinar featuring the integration of the X1 Distributed Discovery platform with its RelativityOne Collect solution. This X1/Relativity integration enables game-changing efficiencies in the eDiscovery …

A New Framework for Defining and Approaching Information Governance

By Michael Rasmussen   Editor’s note: Today we are featuring a guest blog post from Michael Rasmussen, the GRC Pundit & Analyst at GRC 20/20 Research, LLC. Information governance has …

Compelling Case Study for Remote eDiscovery Collection in a High-Stakes Litigation

While our personal and business lives will hopefully return to normal soon, the trend of an increasingly remote and distributed workforce is here to stay. This “new normal” necessitates updated …

Facebook Download Your Information Function Omits Significant Amounts of Evidence

By John Patzakis and Brent Botta Facebook provides a “Download Your Information” (“DYI”) function to allow users to download to their computer data they have posted to their own accounts. …

Microsoft Breaks Search For Office 365

Last weeks’ guest blog post by Office 365 expert and independent consultant Bruce Berls clearly outlined why Windows search effectively does not work for business productivity search. Berls, from his …

Windows Can’t Find My OneDrive Files

By Bruce Berls(originally published August 20, 2020)   Editor’s note: Today we are featuring a guest blog post from Bruce Berls, an independent IT Consultant and Office 365 expert. He …

Intelligent ESI Collection Integrated with Relativity Can Cut eDiscovery Costs by 90 Percent

One of the biggest drivers of excessive eDiscovery costs is ESI over-collection. This in turn leads to a larger amount of data entering the processing and initial review funnel. These …

Federal Judge: Custodian Self-Collection of ESI is Unethical and Violates Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

In E.E.O.C. v. M1 5100 Corp., (S.D. Fla. July 2, 2020), Federal District Judge Matthewman excoriated defense counsel for allowing the practice of unsupervised custodian ESI self-collection, declaring that the practice …

Another Criminal Conviction Overturned Due to Failure to Authenticate Social Media Evidence

The Supreme Court of Vermont overturned a felony conviction due to the prosecutions’ failure to properly authenticate social media evidence, finding that the printed records subpoenaed directly from Facebook were …

Lawson v. Spirit Aerosystems: Federal Court Blasts “Bloated” ESI Collection, Rendered TAR Ineffective

Technology Assisted Review (TAR), when correctly employed, can significantly reduce legal review costs with generally more accurate results than other traditional legal review processes. However, the benefits associated with TAR …

How to Implement an Effective eDiscovery Search Term Strategy

By Mandi Ross and John Patzakis A key Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provision that greatly impacts eDiscovery processes is Rule 26(f), which requires the parties’ counsel to “meet and …

True Proportionality for eDiscovery Requires Smart Pre-Collection Analysis

Proportionality-based eDiscovery is a goal that all judges and corporate attorneys want to attain. Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1), parties may  discover any non-privileged material that is relevant …