Case Law Update: Federal Court Endorses Targeted Search Term Based ESI Collection

A recent decision from the Southern District of New York provides that the parties’ have obligations to conduct reasonable searches during discovery, but such searches may be targeted. The court …

ILTA eDiscovery Survey Highlights Targeted ESI Collection as the Preferred Methodology

The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) recently published a very informative and comprehensive law firm eDiscovery practice survey, “2021 Litigation and Practice Support Survey.” ILTA received responses from litigation support …

Post Pandemic, Corporate eDiscovery Undergoes a Permanent Paradigm Shift

While the pandemic disrupted the workplace during its height, it is now becoming clear that a more permanent transformation has taken place. Employees and their electronic information assets are far more …

How X1 Social Discovery Uniquely Meets the Challenge of Social Media Evidence Collection

Social media and other web-based data is relevant to nearly every legal case and investigation. The high volume of relevant social media evidence means that lawyers are under an ethical duty …

Case Law Update: Social Media Screenshots Held Inadmissible Under the Best Evidence Rule

The most important case of 2021 so far concerning social media evidence is arguably Edwards v. Junior State of America Foundation, No. 4:19-CV-140-SDJ, (US Dist. CT, E.D. Texas April 23, 2021). …

Social Media Algorithms Foster Relevant Evidence in Litigation

Recently I participated in a webinar on technology and politics sponsored by USC Center for the Political Future. I mostly managed to steer clear of the political discussion and instead …

Index and Search In-Place Workflows Key to Reducing eDiscovery Costs and Risks

Most core eDiscovery costs (outside of attorney review) stem from over-collection of electronically stored information (ESI). While direct collection costs can seem inexpensive, law firm Nelson Mullins notes that “over …

eDiscovery Services Are Undergoing a Major Transformation

Recent research from industry analyst Greg Buckles at the eDiscovery Journal highlights soaring valuations for eDiscovery tech firms. For the first time in the history of the industry, multiple eDiscovery …

Facebook Groups are an Important Source of Electronic Evidence

Facebook Groups are moderated online forums on the social media giant’s platform where often thousands of users engage with and share content with others. The groups can be either private …

Pre-Collection Keyword Searches: Where Angels May Fear to Tread but Not Attorneys with the Right eDiscovery Software

One of the key cases involving the principles of proportionality under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1), is McMaster v. Kohl’s Dep’t Stores, Inc., (E.D. Mich. July 24, (2020).  McMaster …

Relativity and X1 Publish Joint Legal Whitepaper on ESI Collection Best Practices

Relativity and X1 have published a joint legal whitepaper on the topic of full-disk imaging as a disfavored collection practice in civil litigation, with Relativity eDiscovery attorney David Horrigan as …

X1 Social Discovery Case Law Update

  X1 Social Discovery had a key mention in a US Federal Court decision published last week. Edwards v. Junior State of America Foundation, No. 4:19-CV-140-SDJ, (US Dist. CT, E.D. …

Industry Experts from Relativity and Insight Optix Discuss Operationalizing Proportionality

  Industry experts including Relativity eDiscovery attorney David Horrigan, Relativity Product Manager Greg Evans and Insight Optix CEO Mandi Ross addressed utilizing cutting-edge ESI collection processes and technologies to effectuate …

On TAP: Targeted, Automated, and Proportional Collection for Modern e-Discovery

Proportionality is now the hottest legal issue in the area of eDiscovery, with the largest number of eDiscovery-related cases in the past year addressing the subject. eDiscovery attorney Kelly Twigger …

Why Post-Level Parsing is Critical for Effective Social Media Evidence Collection

As succinctly noted by The Florida Bar Association in its publication, Florida Law Journal: “Social media is everywhere. Nearly everyone uses it. Litigants who understand social media–and its benefits and limitations–can immeasurably …

Full Disk Imaging Not Required for eDiscovery Collections

In Fact, Courts and Legal Commentators Disfavor the Practice     By John Patzakis[1]   The collection and preservation of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in the enterprise remains a significant …

Moving Beyond Litigation Support

By Sonam Sharma(Originally published on, February 19, 2021)     The age-old adage of change being the only constant has never been truer than in today’s times. With pandemic …