Delaware Court Affirms Conviction Based on Facebook Evidence

by John Patzakis Tiffany Parker and Sheniya Brown of Wilmington, Delaware, exchanged heated messages on Facebook over a mutual love interest, and the conflict escalated considerably when they subsequently encountered …

Avoid SharePoint eDiscovery Headaches Before They Begin

by Barry Murphy Last week, this blog featured highlights from the very successful SharePoint eDiscovery webinar with Reed Smith.  It is a topic that came up time and again in …

Highlights from Reed Smith’s SharePoint eDiscovery Webinar

by John Patzakis Reed Smith recently hosted an excellent webinar on SharePoint eDiscovery challenges, led by Patrick Burke with the firm’s eDiscovery team. The webinar featured a substantive and detailed …

Barry Murphy Joins the X1 Team

Last week, I said goodbye to my time at the eDJ Group, a company in good hands that will continue to provide top notch eDiscovery and information governance consulting at …

Judge Sends Facebook Friend Request, Gets Disqualified

As part of our periodic practice, we are checking in on the reported cases involving social media evidence for this past month of January. A quick tally identifies 74 cases …

The Benghazi ESI Scandal

Last week, the United States Senate Intelligence Committee issued a bipartisan report finding that the deadly assault on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, which killed US Ambassador Chris …

eDiscovery Software Industry Faces Transition

Recently, the eDiscovery and litigation support field has seen many developments reflecting a significant shift in the eDiscovery software industry. Greg Buckles and Barry Murphy of The eDiscovery Journal report …

Social Media Case Law Update — November 2013

As part of our periodic semi-monthly practice, we are checking in on the reported cases involving social media for this past month of November. Based upon reader feedback, I am …

Dr. Michael Levitt: World Famous Scientist, Nobel Laureate, and X1 Power User

Recently I had the distinct honor of speaking with Dr. Michael Levitt, a 2013 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, and highly regarded Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University. The …

The Post-PC Era Will End eDiscovery Collections as we Know It

Updated 11/14/2013: Amazon Webs Services announced today a “game changing” cloud-based desktop virtualization offering. “As of next month, no employees get a new PC, we are going all virtual and B.Y.O.D.” These …

Facebook Spoliation Levels the eDiscovery Playing Field

When an individual or small company plaintiff litigates against deep-pocketed defendants, the eDiscovery burden and risk largely falls on the latter. In employment litigation for instance, the employer must collect, …

Social Media Caselaw Update: The Acceleration Continues

Last year our survey of published case law from 2010 and 2011 identified 689 cases involving social media evidence for that time period. Since then, the pace has so rapidly accelerated that …

Discovery Templates for Social Media Evidence

As a follow-up to the highly popular Q&A last week featuring DLA attorneys Joshua Briones and Ana Tagvoryan, they both have graciously allowed us to distribute a few of their …

Q&A With DLA Piper Social Media Practice Group Co-Chair Joshua Briones, and Fellow Group-Member Ana Tagvoryan

Today we are pleased to welcome Joshua Briones and Ana Tagvoryan for a special Q&A session about social media evidence discovery.  Joshua is a partner at DLA Piper and co-chair …

Microsoft’s Lessons for the eDiscovery Industry

The announcement that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is set to retire within 12 months naturally spurred some thought on the analogous plateauing or even demise of prominent eDiscovery software firms …

Social Media Evidence at the Center of the A-Rod Suspension

Earlier this month, Major League Baseball took the unprecedented step of suspending a star player, Alex Rodriguez, for two years due alleged illegal use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs). While …

Judge Grimm’s Important Guidance on Social Media Evidence Authentication

Recently, Federal District Court Judge Paul Grimm and two of his law clerks published an excellent and comprehensive legal article: “Authentication of Social Media Evidence,” American Journal of Trial Advocacy, …