As Founder and Executive Chairman of X1, John leads the company’s strategy and business development efforts. He has an extensive background and expertise in eDiscovery and corporate compliance, combining strong knowledge of both the law and the supporting technologies in those areas. Prior to joining X1, John served as a consultant providing strategic planning and product strategies to eDiscovery and compliance solution providers. John also spent nearly a decade at Guidance Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: GUID) where he held senior management positions, including Chief Strategy Officer, Vice Chairman, Chief Legal Officer and President and CEO. While at Guidance, John led the transition of the company from start-up to a major enterprise software firm and grew revenues from $5 million to $40 million during his tenure.

Prior to joining Guidance, John spent eight years practicing law in the fields of commercial litigation and business transactions. John received an undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California and a JD from the Santa Clara University School of Law.

How Case Teams Can Streamline Collections with X1 in RelativityOne

Editor’s’ Note: This article originally appeared on The Relativity Blog. It is reprinted here in full with permission.  by Sam Bock on November 07, 2019   Our September 2019 release for RelativityOne debuted some …

Incident Reporting Requirements Under GDPR and CCPA Require Effective Incident Response

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in effect, but many organizations have not fully implemented compliance programs. For many organizations, one of the top challenges is complying …

USDOJ Expects Companies to Proactively Employ Data Analytics to Detect Fraud

By John Patzakis and Craig Carpenter In corporate fraud enforcement actions, The US Department of Justice considers the effectiveness of a company’s compliance program as a key factor when deciding whether …

Overcoming Evidentiary Challenges to Social Media Evidence

As succinctly noted by The Florida Bar Association in its publication, Florida Law Journal: “Social media is everywhere. Nearly everyone uses it. Litigants who understand social media–and its benefits and limitations–can …

Web Collection With Legitimate Public Policy Purpose Deemed Legal and Proper by Federal Courts

By John Patzakis Social Media evidence collection for judicial and compliance purposes can involve web collection techniques using artificial or “examiner” accounts in order to access and collect public information. …

Post-Cambridge Analytica Social Media Collection for Compliance and Legal Purposes

Social media eDiscovery has been impacted by far greater forces in recent months. In response to the Cambridge Analytica scandal and other similar bad actors, the social media platforms have …

Social Media Statements: Key Evidence and Often Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule

Here is a quick legal evidence quiz: Identify the three distinct hearsay exceptions in the following Tweet:   The first exception would be under Federal Rule of Evidence 803(2): “Rule …

In-Place Data Analytics For Unstructured Data is No Longer Science Fiction

AI-driven analytics supercharges compliance investigations, data security, privacy audits and eDiscovery document review.  AI machine learning employs mathematical models to assess enormous datasets and “learn” from feedback and exposure to …

90 Percent of Law Firms Managed Social Media Evidence Collections in 2018

The International Legal Technology Association recently published a very informative and comprehensive law firm eDiscovery practice survey “2018 Litigation and Practice Support Survey.” ILTA received responses from 181 different law …

Government Regulators Reject “Paper” Corporate Compliance Programs Lacking Actual Enforcement

Recently, US Government regulators fined Stanley Black & Decker $1.8m after its subsidiary illegally exported finished power tools and spare parts to Iran, in violation of sanctions. The Government found …

Rule of Evidence 902(13)(14) Update: States Begin Adoption, First Case Citations

Federal Rule of Evidence 902(13)(14) is now in effect and is already significantly impacting computer forensics and eDiscovery collection practices. We are now seeing multiple case citations of FRE 902(13)(14) …

GDPR Fines Issued for Failure to Essentially Perform Enterprise eDiscovery

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into full force in May 2018. Prior to that date, what I consistently heard from most of the compliance community was general …

5 Key Takeaways From The Sedona Conference’s Social Media eDiscovery Primer

The Sedona Conference® (“TSC”) has just published the 2nd edition of their very useful Primer on Social Media. Sedona is a very influential organization so this is an important development further underscoring …

New York Appellate Court Allows “Data Mining” of Social Media accounts for Relevant Information

The New York Appellate Division allowed discovery into the non-public information of the social media accounts of a former professional basketball player relevant to his personal injury claims arising out …

In addition to TAR, CAR Can Dramatically Reduce Attorney Review Costs

eDiscovery efforts are often costly, time consuming and burdensome. The volume of Electronically Stored Information is growing exponentially and will only continue to do so. Even with the advent of …

eDiscovery Collection 3.0: Much Better, Much Faster, Much Cheaper

In his recent blog post, X1 CEO Craig Carpenter discussed the inability of any software provider to solve a critical need by delivering a truly scalable eDiscovery preservation and collection …

X1 Distributed Discovery & RelativityOne Integration: Testing and Proof of Concept

Editor’s Note: The following is a blog post published by eDiscovery expert Chad Jones, Director at D4 Discovery, regarding D4’s extensive testing and validation of the integration of R1 and …