By John Patzakis and Chas Meier

Security RiskIn a world where data breaches are not just possible but expected, securing sensitive information becomes paramount. However, in many cases, organizations are unnecessarily handing over the security keys to the kingdom to eDiscovery Service Providers by providing them with very heightened security privileges to their Microsoft 365 tenants. This is because the more manual methods relied on by service providers often involve gaining high-level permissions usually only reserved for senior trusted IT directors and executives within the client organization. Such broad access can lead to unauthorized data access, including creating new accounts for others outside the organization, data overcollection, and unintended data modifications and even deletions. These unnecessary accommodations can cause severe irreversible damage, security breaches and overall complication with compliance efforts.

Clients are often told such high-level security access is absolutely necessary. In truth, service providers only resort to such measures when they fail to utilize best practices technology. In many cases, service providers, once they gain elevated administrative permissions, simply run basic scripts that they position as proprietary, which have little functionality other than the bulk download of M365 data. These scripts only work if very high-level access is granted to the user of the scripts. Once the service provider completes their mass data download from M365, they are off to the races with their traditional highly lucrative eDiscovery workflows of excessive data volumes due to overcollection, extensive processing and project management, and final eventual staging into review, all leading to excessive costs and unnecessarily extended timelines.

In contrast, our customers believe X1’s strategy for M365 Data Access is unique and disruptive to legacy approaches still utilized by many service providers. We designed our approach to maximize security, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure economic advantages for our clients, setting new benchmarks that challenge conventional industry practices.

  1. Uncompromised Security with Read-Only Access

X1’s approach to accessing client information in a read-only least privileged manner exemplifies our commitment to security. In our approach a client grants read-only permissions to the X1 Enterprise solution licensed and controlled by the client, through an application that also remains under the control of our client and has a built-in expiration. No X1 employee ever needs to have access to or personally utilize the client’s M365 credentials. There is no ability for X1 to create new accounts or even delegate M365 permissions. This approach eliminates the risks associated with more invasive access levels that other eDiscovery providers often require.

X1’s methodology ensures that the data remains pristine and untouched throughout the eDiscovery process. This approach not only supports stringent compliance with legal and regulatory standards but also shields organizations from the pitfalls of unauthorized data manipulation. It significantly reduces the potential for costly security incidents, reinforcing the trust our clients place in us to handle their most sensitive information.

  1. Index-in-Place: Elevating Data Integrity and Efficiency

Our “index-in-place” technology stands in stark contrast to the traditional data extraction methods employed by many service providers. These providers often relocate substantial data volumes from clients’ M365 tenants to their environments—a practice driven by the desire to increase hosting volumes and, consequently, revenue. This not only introduces significant security risks but also strains client resources and infrastructure.

By indexing data directly within its native environment, X1 maintains the integrity and security of the data. This approach significantly reduces the exposure of data to external threats during transfer and storage. It also enhances the speed and accuracy of search and collection processes, enabling quicker responses to legal inquiries and reducing the overall time and cost of eDiscovery.

Moreover, this method highlights our principle of avoiding the “fox guarding the henhouse” scenario, where providers have incentives that might conflict with client interests. Our clients appreciate the transparency and integrity of keeping their data within their controlled environment, free from unnecessary external manipulation or exposure.

  1. Transparent Pricing Promoting Efficiency and Reuse

X1’s innovative pricing model stands out by encouraging the efficient reuse of tools without penalizing clients for data volume. This approach directly contrasts with the common industry practice where costs escalate with the volume of data hosted or processed. Our pricing structure is designed to align closely with our clients’ needs for predictable and reasonable costs.

By not charging based on data volume, we foster a more sustainable and rational use of resources, allowing our clients to plan and budget more effectively. This pricing strategy supports not just cost savings but also promotes a more strategic use of eDiscovery tools, encouraging practices that are both economically and environmentally more sustainable.


X1 is dedicated to setting a higher standard for secure, efficient, and cost-effective data management solutions in Microsoft 365 environments. Our innovative approaches to read-only access, index-in-place technology, and volume-independent pricing ensure that our clients receive unparalleled service that prioritizes their security, operational efficiency, and financial well-being.

We invite you to join us in this transformative journey and experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your data remains in place until you target a collection to migrate into review. For a demonstration of the X1 Enterprise Collect Platform, contact us at For more details on this innovative solution, please visit